Autism Outreach for Schools


As part of our universal offer, the Outreach team can provide INSET training tailored to your needs. Topics we cover include;

  • Autism awareness
  • Strategies to support CYP with autism in a mainstream classroom
  • Different presentations of autism, such as PDA, masking or internal/external
  • Stratgegies to support wellbeing for young people with autism 

This could be delivered to groups of staff or your whole staff team. Surrey schools and academies can access one free training session in your setting per year.

To book bespoke training, please contact your usual Outreach provider schools (see the 'contact us' page for details)

Private schools and schools outside of Surrey can access this at a fee (usually £275, but additional fees for expenses such as travel may apply)

In addition to the training on offer through the Universal offer, the schools in the Outreach partnership may offer some traded training opportunities based at our host schools 

For queries about training at Freemantles School, contact

Training for parents and carers  






Training for Professionals